Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Live Performance Saturday, August 29, 2009

The cast of Lost Vegas (A Love Story) is delighted to be performing two dances as part of Ninth Street Dance's Instructor's Showcase on Saturday, 29Aug09. We kick off the show with the first number, "A Fine Farewell," at 8:00 pm at the Durham Arts Council (PSI Theatre - 2nd floor). Admission $5. Our second piece, "A Moonlight's Dance," opens the second act of the show.

In addition to the Lost Vegas numbers, this Instructor's Showcase includes dances choreographed and performed by the various Ninth Street Dance teachers, and includes lyrical, hip hop, belly dancing, tap, etc. This is the first Lost Vegas/Ninth Street Dance collaboration and promises to be an exciting night for everyone.

Durham Arts Council's PSI Theatre
120 Morris Street
Durham, NC

Closed set (by invitation only) filming of "A Fine Farewell" and "A Moonlight's Dance" (casts a and b) on Saturday 29Aug09, 11:30-5:00 pm prior to the live performance.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Lost Vegas Dance Project

... is being offered by Jules through Ninth Street Dance as an opportunity for dance students to join the cast of Lost Vegas for dance classes, rehearsals, and filming of the four-minute dances. Male and female dancers with ballet, jazz, and/or musical theatre experience are encouraged to sign-up through http://www.ninthstreetdance.com/ ($140 for a 14-week session). Students with a love of theatre but less dance training are encouraged to contact Jules for roles as production assistants, set/props managers, etc.

A power point presentation describing the overall Lost Vegas story line and production details is provided on the first day of rehearsals and is followed by a jazzy/hip hop dance class and choreography demonstration. A professional videographer and professional photographer are hired to capture the making and filming of each Lost Vegas piece. All dancers who participate in the filming of Lost Vegas receive a copy of the DVD and several pictures of their choice from among the hundreds taken.

Sign-up now at http://www.ninthstreetdance.com/ for the next session which begins on September 14, 2009, ends on December 20, 2009, and films on January 17, 2010. Rehearsals are held at Ninth Street Dance in Durham, NC, Sundays 1:00-2:30 pm. Each rehearsal begins with a thorough 35-minute warm-up. Jazz sneakers, jazz shoes, or ballet shoes required (your choice).

Come prepared to work hard, make friends, and have loads of fun creating our next masterpiece.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rehearsals are underway

in preparation for the filming and live performance of two additional dances from the musical, Lost Vegas (A Love Story) written by Jules Szabo. Rehearsals for "A Fine Farewell" and "A Moonlight's Dance" started Sun, 7Jun09 at Ninth Street Dance in Durham, NC. Contact Jules at funky.fitness@yahoo.com or see http://www.ninthstreetdance.com/ for more details.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsal Dates for "A Fine Farewell" are on the following Sundays, 5:00-6:30 pm, at Ninth Street Dance in Durham, NC:

June 7
June 14
June 21
June 28
No rehearsal July 5
July 12
July 19
July 26
Aug 2
Aug 9
Aug 16
Aug 23

Live Performance / Film weekend: Aug 29-Aug 30, 2009